This document contains screenshots from Ambrosia Software, Inc.'s upcoming game Escape Velocity, written by Matt Burch. In order to see the pictures in this preview, this file must be opened with Apple's SimpleText application. Please note that the graphics are not yet finalized, and were scaled down in this document due to space constraints. Escape Velocity will be released 4th quarter of 1995; look for it!
The first missile impacted on the freighter's starboard side. Captain
Scumdog stabbed at the acceleration controls, swung his craft about to
face his attackers, and saw two pirate ships screaming down on the him,
their guns ablaze. As the bulky cargo vessel's own defensive batteries spat
electric death at the marauding privateers, Scumdog increased speed to
maximum. He prayed his shields would hold until he reached the safety of
Propus VII and the New Scotland colony. Laser fire raked the side of his
ship, and alarms began to wail as the stricken vessel took hit after hit.
Just another day at the office.
It's a big universe out there; this map view shows a portion of the brave pilot Scumdog's explorations.
Scumdog sets down on the planet Merlin for a bit of R&R (rest and refueling).
Danged economy is still depressed here. Ah well, still got the special cargo safely tucked away.
Scumdog's had enough of being a savvy merchant; it's time for a little excitement!
Gotta give the ship a little extra punch, 'case those pirates get the wrong idea.
That last rebel mission paid off big-time; Scumdog's ready to trade up to a more plush (and deadly) cruiser.
Rag-tag fleet assembled, Scumdog has the audacity to launch an attack against the Confederation home world of Earth!
Hmmm. Didn't know there were Confed cruisers in the area; maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...